Sunday, August 1, 2010

Enter the Peruvian Llama Manure Worm

Weighing in at 1.75 oz, these peruvian llama manure worms came from, well, llama manure. Hurley (my canine companion) and I herd sheep on the weekends. That is to say Hurley herds sheep; I mostly run around looking silly and falling-over into sheep dung. There is a rather ornery old llama on the farm, there to protect the sheep from coyotes. Somehow I managed to convince my herding instructor that if she would just look in the llama manure I was sure we would find some red wrigglers (no way the llama was letting me dig through his poop). Sure enough, we (she) uncovered a worm metropolis. Trooper that she is, my instructor secured as many of the lil' guys as my paper cup would hold. After I got them home and sorted the manure from the worms this is a picture of what was left. Cute, huh?

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